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  1. 本學期學分費暨語言設備使用費(含延畢生補繳之學雜分費)於112年10月23日開始收費,並同時開放列印繳費單。












4.112學年度第1學期學分費暨語言設備使用費 (含延畢生補繳學雜費) 繳費期限至112年11月24日止。請參照繳費單說明方法辦理繳費,逾期將無法辦理繳費。

















  1. The official Credit Fee Payment Slip for the fall semester of 2023 can be downloaded from the following address from Octobor 23, 2023:

    The last six numbers of date of birth (YYYYMMDD) is required for verification.

  1. The official Credit Fee Payment Receipt also can be printed from the above address link. The printed copy is as valid as the paper receipt.

III. The deadline for the payment of credit fees for the spring semester of 2023 is November 24, 2023 (Friday). Students must make the payment according to the methods stated on the payment slip before the above-mentioned date. The bank may no longer process the payment after the above-mentioned date. And late payments will be dealt with according to article 19.

Article 19 of National Chengchi University Regulations :

Master and Ph.D. students taking master/doctoral/undergraduate courses and undergraduate students taking courses that require course fees are all required to pay credit fees according to the tuition and fee schedules provided by the units offering courses for the corresponding degrees.

Undergraduate students who have their graduation deferred in order to supplement or make up a course shall pay credit fees at the standard rate charged for undergraduate courses by the unit offering the course.

Undergraduate students shall pay credit fees if they take retake already-passed courses for the third time or more.

All students of the University are required to pay fees for using computer and network communication facilities. Students who use the language and audiovisual facilities in the Foreign Language Center shall pay the language learning equipment fee.

Students will be given a grade of zero during course assessment if they fail to pay the fees above within the given deadline. Students who have been approved to make retroactive payments before the suspension of study deadline of the current semester should be charged late fees in addition to the original fees. Late fees are calculated according to the number of days past due. It is calculated as 1% of the original fee for every two days past due, up to a maximum of 15% of the original fee and less than NT$2,000.

IV. Students can make the payment by cash with the Tuition Fee Payment Slip at any branch of First Commercial Bank in Taiwan. A temporary on-campus teller of First Commercial Bank is set up at Counter No. 8, Cashier Office, located on the 5th Floor of Administration Building

   Business hours: 10:30-13:00, Monday ~Friday

                  9:00-17:00, November 24 only

V. For any and all inquiries, please contact the university cashier's office at ext. 62127.

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